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Your holy dissatisfaction is that problem; that group of people in some kind of injustice or bondage; that social issue; that whenever you come in contact with it, there is a special anger inside of you against that problem; a special compassion for that group of people; and a desire if possible to be able to solve that problem or help that group of people immediately.
Such a holy dissatisfaction is usually a reliable pointer to God’s calling on the life of a man. This is because such deep holy anger produces a deep compassion for the victims of that problem.
And for every ministry that God gives a man, He first gives him compassion for the object of His call.
No one can cultivate the perseverance that is required to labour for long years until a problem is solved if he doesn’t have a deep and progressive compassion for those God has called him to help.
Solving any problem is never a child’s play. It will require devotion of heart and time. It involves spending money and being spent. A lot of sleepless nights will be required. A lot of time in prayer is necessary to uproot the principalities cultivating the problem and to establish the purpose of God in their place. And it often takes years to see the fruits of certain labours.
A man that has only a cursory concern would easily give up in his attempt to solve the problem. It will take a man who weeps in his heart continually about the sufferings of the people to maintain a stamina of persistence until the problem is solved or is being solved.
Compassion therefore is the father of passion. When compassion is weak, passion follows in the same direction.
This is the reason a deep compassion must go ahead of the commission to do any work or else God will be wasting His time. God knows this very clearly.
And so the bible established in Hebrews 5:1&2.
“For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins:  WHO CAN HAVE COMPASSION ON THE IGNORANT, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.”
Hebrews 5:1‭-‬2 KJV (Emphasis mine.)
Simply put, anyone who cannot have compassion on a group cannot be a correct Priest to them. He will find it difficult to be touched by the feelings of their infirmities. He will be too harsh on those he is supposed to help who are already, “bruised reeds.” He will not be able to tolerate their failings and bear with them patiently until they grow into maturity.
We see a different example in our Lord Jesus Christ. He was such a High Priest that could be touched by the feelings of our infirmities. He was such a leader with deep compassion for those He has been sent to help. On at least ten occasions recorded in the gospels, we see our Lord Jesus Christ intervening in very hopeless situations of different people because He was MOVED with compassion.
Compassion therefore is a mover. It can drag out supernatural virtues out of God’s servant, even when not preplanned, to solve the problem of the people.
It can move even an ordinarily lethargic person into an all-night intercession to bring God’s glory down over a situation.
When a man is getting exhausted and fatigued on his life’s assignment, compassion can keep him moving.
Our lack of drive in the purpose of God is actually symptomatic of a lack of compassion.
May we receive a fresh compassion for souls that will be so deep that it will keep us moving all the days of our lives.
But just so you know, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself was prepared by THE LORD to develop compassion for us before God could release Him to step into His ministry as our High Priest.
See what Hebrews 2:17-18 has to say:
“So it is evident that it was essential that He be made like His brethren in every respect, in order that He might become a merciful (sympathetic) and faithful High Priest in the things related to God, to make atonement and propitiation for the people’s sins.
For because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able [immediately] to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted and tested and tried [and who therefore are being exposed to suffering].”
Hebrews 2:17‭-‬18 AMPC
For Jesus to develop compassion (a critical ingredient for his call to be our High Priest), He had to be made to suffer temptations and trials in every possible way human beings experience the same so that He will know how difficult it is and by virtue of that, able to respond mercifully to our cry for help.
But what I want to call your attention to again is the statement in the first line of that passage… “It is evident that IT WAS ESSENTIAL…” It was essential for Jesus to be made to develop compassion for us before he could qualify to lead us.
At least you can now see from biblical standpoint that Compassion is such an indispensable ingredient that God will not allow anyone to skip before permission to carry out any ministry for Him. Even His son (who Himself was God) had to be made to possess this ingredient before he could effectively step into His ministry as our High Priest.
When therefore you notice a growing compassion in your heart towards the victims of any particular problem and the more you pray the more the concern deepens, chances are that the Lord is behind it. He is preparing you with what you must possess to have an effective and enduring ministry to that group.
This is how the voice of your holy dissatisfaction can authoritatively lead you to recognising God’s call for your life.
I pray for you in Jesus name that this season will be a season when your heart will be flooded with light. You will not be unwise. Rather, you will clearly be able to understand what the will of God for you is. Amen.
Your brother,
Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye.
©Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye| hello@lovestraighttalks.com

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