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Peniela Akintujoye - Love Straight TalksAt the inception of writing this blog, it all seemed like an accident. I had only been touched by a message preached by my Pastor that Sunday to a special class of unmarried youths: “Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Have Premarital Sex.” The message was very powerful and it really resonated with me for as Pastor preached each of those reasons, he was as good as sharing what had long been my convictions on the matter and which has helped me to stay through to my decision to abstain from any form of premarital sex all these years.

I returned home and had a heavy burden in my heart to share the message with my WhatsApp and Facebook audience. As you can imagine, the write-ups generated a lot of interest. Any sex-related issue seem to always evoke similar attention and of course controversy.

Week in, week out, I wrote about each of the reasons using all wisdom which were a mix of biblical verses and my own personal experience and observation in proof of the wisdom in what God’s word advocates. We had a large followership on the issues every week. By the time I was done writing on the last reason, we have had so many testimonies that encouraged our hearts. So many also were yearning for more wisdom on other aspects of love, sex and relationships.

That was how we could no longer stop and suddenly a brother who was just serving the Lord quietly and wanted to share a brief body of information for a few weeks seems to have become a full-time relationship coach.

As you journey with us, you will find the talks quite incisive although challenging. To do well you must be prepared for a mind shift on many issues all for one reason, we want your marriages to be so good it will be a fountain for the nations to drink from.

I guess the review of one of our avid readers summarises what you can expect as you begin to follow our weekly series.

“Love Straight Talks is healthy content straight from the heart of the father in godly principles and practical examples written with much finesse and oratory prowess to our generation about love, sex, emotion, and relationships.”

Have a fruitful time with us. We welcome you.

Your Brother,
Peniela Akintujoye.

Omobolanle BenjaminLST is a vision born out of the desire to ensure wholesome marital relationships become a norm not only in the body of Christ but also in the society at large. Our contents are drawn from the wellspring of knowledge ministered by the Spirit with practical examples that portray to our readers the mind of God as touching the issues of love, sex, emotions, and relationships. Our joy is to see marriages transformed by the help of the Spirit through divinely orchestrated words that flow from the pen of a ready writer. Do well to share your testimony!
Overwhelmed with love,

Your Sister,
Omobolanle Benjamin

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