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Waoh, so finally we have come to the end of the year and the last talk for the year. It has really been an amazing 2019. At the beginning of this year, if anyone told me I’ll be ending the year as an active blogger, I probably will ask him to bring a fresh prophecy from the Lord.

For those of you who remember how it all started, na church I go o. Pastor (Revd Samson Ajetomobi of the Men of Issachar Vision Inc. Ibadan) brought all the youths together for a special sunday teaching and shared on the topic, “Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Have Premarital Sex.”

As he shared, many of the points resonated with some of my findings which precipitated certain convictions I have had on the subject for many years.

As I returned home that day, I had a strong burden in my heart to share the lessons on my WhatsApp status. Boom, the topic received wild interest of different nature -protagonistic and antagonistic.

It's a controversial topic as you can imagine. And that was how the weekly series started since due to my work schedule, that was the only frequency of writing I could accommodate. Click To Tweet

Through the lessons on the Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Have Premarital Sex, and the response it got, I saw that a lot of people were following and were being blessed. So I decided to continue writing. In the process, some other gifts of God joined me and we haven’t been able to stop to date. Maybe we’ll continue to write as long as this continues to bless people for as long as God will permit.

All of those ten articles which focused on the issue of premarital sexual purity is a product of my believe that there is a need for us to communicate the message in a different way – to dissuade people from premarital sexual impurity by sharing with them intelligently the priceless benefits of same and not just by simply saying, “it is a sin”. I feel the earlier approach is the only way people’s convictions will be able to withstand all the pressures and bombardment of sexual appeal in our generation. Those ten reasons give you an ideological stronghold from which to convince yourself over and over that purity is worth the stress.

Some of you haven’t gone through the series. You need to do so quick. Check fb.me/lovestraighttalks or @lovestraightta1 on Twitter and you’ll find them there.

As we close the year, we decided to reach out to a few of our friends who regularly followed the weekly series and we asked that they share with us what lesson(s) has been most profound for them so far in their readership. I hope you enjoy every single word shared.

“When I count God’s blessings in 2019, I can’t but count the blessing of reading love straight talk especially the 10 reasons not to have premarital sex. I was really blessed by all the series especially the addiction topic. God really used this series for me. I learnt a lot during the teaching even things that have never occurred to me to discuss at all. All the series have been a blessing to my life. I also love the fact that the writer is blunt which is one of the things that is very scarce in these our generation.”

“I have been tremendously blessed by the weekly write-ups on #lovestraighttalks.The talk titled “Fleeced” opened my eyes and clarified the aspect of God’s leading through dreams especially when it comes to seeking the counsel of God concerning a person for marriage. “For we are all victims” was an inspired write up. Seriously, Peniela did great justice to that and it really blessed me a great deal. I look forward to greater 2020.”

*For the Love for Love Straight Talks*, I usually take out time to read through every post. I learnt a lot, I must say.
The knowledge Bro. Penny possesses is not of this world and Thank God we are truly not of this world ?
LESSON 1: The issue of Abstinence is something that one should really pay attention to and fight through. I learnt that we cannot really be sure of spending the rest of our lives with our partner until the marriage happens.
Whether we agree or not, not even considering the scriptural pointers, whenever we engage in premarital sex, souls are tied up. It’s just safe to abstain.
LESSON 2: Is God really Omniscient?
This got me wooowing oooo. It was the scriptural back ups you gave that helped. I mean, to be omniscient means to be all-knowing but God really made us freewill beings. Times He regretted He did one thing or the other showed that He limited Himself to some information. If He knew it all, the devil would not even bother. The devil bothers us because He knows this in particular…I’m glad I didn’t miss out on these. Your selflessness is highly appreciated.

“10 REASONS why you should not have premarital sex.” That’s one of the topics I enjoyed so far on this platform. It’s not the only one I actually love most but I singled it out because it ushered me into reading #Lovestraighttalk# & then wanting to read more & more episodes of it.

That particular episode is such an eye opener. It’s raw, straight & undiluted. It portrays our society’s perception about sex & it’s persuasive in making one to change for the better if there is anywhere one is found wanting.
Mr Peniela really did justice & keeps doing justice to all his episodes week in week out.

I wish 2020 will be greater than this.

I did not set out to follow love straight talks. Overtime however, I have found myself reading through the lessons taught every Sunday on WhatsApp. Some lessons are unarguable as clearly stated in the Bible which serves as the reference book. Some others must be clearly justified by one’s personal readings from this same reference.
In as much as I am always careful in making another’s approach to life mine, I have found some lessons important for my journey.
I have learnt in some discussions that attention must be paid to what one watches if one hopes to overcome certain bad practices as masturbation.

The lessons are very practical making one to have no choice than to apply them while watching for outcomes.
One other thing the lessons have always emphasized is that no matter how badly hurt and guilty anyone has been by engaging in any form of sexual immorality, Christ still loves. Therefore, no one can be far too gone. There can still be a comeback for anyone who is deliberate and in Christ, there’s also hope of restoration.

I look forward to amazing readings next year. I also pray that you all be daily inspired rightly. Thank you so much for all you do.

6. Ibrahim Bello

“Reading LST has been quite enlightening. Of course I’ve read several of the articles but I think two of them easily come to mind. First is the one on *keeping relationships platonic* and the one talking on *the omniscience of God* though I would say the *relationship platonic* subject was more like an expansion of knowledge. The height of LST so far for me was the topic on Omniscience of God and I must confess it was an epiphany that resolved my personal quagmire on the choice that I believed God once led me on. Even though I’ve since gotten over it but the question on where the mistakes lie continued to linger until I read on Omniscience of God then I knew better about the power of choice and freewill that God gave to men. Just because of His love, the Creator limited himself in power to increase the liberty of the created. Any relationship that will work out is still greatly dependent on the volition of the individuals involved overtime and not necessarily the knowing of God. The example of Saul, the first king of Israel is so apt. It is what it is. God by principle gives so much respect to man, more reason why humility and submission can be a great currency before Him.”

And finally (by the way this is rather funny)

7. Iyebiye
“While I am particularly fascinated by the line of discuss, the synergy of thoughts and the use of words are intriguing. Its exciting to see a writer who puts thoughts in fine writings so wonderfully. Beyond the subject matter, LST has helped my use of english…lool”

Alright gentlemen and ladies, you can request for any of the articles mentioned above by the reviewers and it will be sent to you without delay.

We will see again next year. LST will go for a two weeks new year break. And so we’ll be here again on the 12th of January. God bless you all.

Your Brother and Sisters,
Peniela Akintujoye
Omobolanle Benjamin
Oluwatoyin Ogunjemilua
For Love Straight Talks.

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