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My biological father (and first spiritual father) will call me aside at every opportunity and say to me, “thus and thus was the kind of son we asked for from the Lord when we were ‘sleeping your sleep’. At the age of five when you rushed to my room to tell me God had just spoken to you audibly, and you told me what God said verbatim, that was a confirmation that God heard our prayer.”
Even at odd times, when I had probably just received some six strokes of the cane from my Mum (plus extra ones that are not counted because you put your hands ??) for displaying traits of a child that will end up badly in future, he will call me aside while I’m still so angry and tell me with much sobriety and firmness, “we asked for a son after the order of thus and thus, and that is who you are. You’re not an ordinary child.”
This was my own earliest knowledge about my purpose and the direction my life ought to follow. I didn’t receive it directly. It was my father that informed me about the contract they had with God concerning me which sealed my life’s purpose.
And he repeated the matter almost to a point of vexation until it entered my subconscious. It wasn’t until I was 16, that God first spoke to me directly about this calling in an encounter I have often spoken about.
Your biological parents (if they are spiritual people) can be a primary source of leading into the journey of recognising your life’s calling. They can be the guardian of the prophecy that has gone ahead of your life and ministry. Don’t despise their words.
You can also sometimes gather information about your life’s purpose through those who stand as spiritual oversights over you. We saw such an example in the life of Paul. Ananias who was like Paul’s first disciple-maker was very instrumental in clarifying for Paul the details of God’s purpose for his life because God revealed it to him. (Acts 9:15&16; 22:12-15).
We also saw the role Paul played in the life of his own son in the faith Timothy, constantly calling his attention to the gift of God that was in him and encouraging him not to neglect it. Paul knew about this gift by prophecy when he along the presbytery laid hands on Timothy. (1 Tim 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6).
The point we are making today is that the people of God that God has surrounded us with can provide important guidance in our journey to discovering purpose, sometimes through a direct word of prophecy or a perception deep down in their heart that is of the Lord. We must never despise such.
Sometimes, a carrier of grace is oblivious of what he carries until holy brethren who are being blessed by it are used of God to call his attention to what he possesses.
“…and when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, PERCEIVED THE GRACE THAT WAS GIVEN UNTO ME, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship…” Galatians 2:9.
While you engage the Holy Spirit for a direct word of clarification about your purpose; and you prayerfully seek out the voice of your holy dissatisfaction alongside; without omitting to also prayerfully analyse the direction your God given passions and talents are pointing, DO NOT IGNORE WHAT THE BRETHREN ARE EQUALLY PERCEIVING ABOUT GOD’S CALL FOR YOUR LIFE.
Even if God has spoken to you clearly, such perception by the people of God left, right and center can serve as an important confirmation of that call.
The Bible admonished us not to despise prophesying (inspired words in a known language), even though it charged us to equally prove all things… because some people are actually not speaking by the Spirit of God.
The rule is, be open-minded. Listen to what responsible and trusted children of God are perceiving; while you should ensure never to follow it until you’ve personally confirmed that word is from the Lord. But certainly, God uses this medium and He could as well be speaking to you through that friend or brother or Sister who is perceiving a grace and calling your attention to it.
So is there a grace in your life that several of God’s people have been calling your attention to?
“Shally, do you realise that you always have the right words of encouragement for every situation. I have just been lifted by your words. Could God be calling you to be a counselor?” And then you say, “everybody thinks the same way.” Don’t ignore it. God may be speaking to you.
In the last few weeks, we have shared four important guides to discovery of purpose.
1. The voice of the Holy Spirit (and how to get it.)
2. The voice of your holy dissatisfaction (and how to find it.)
3. The voice of your talents and natural abilities (and how to consider it.)
4. The voice of God’s people (and how to benefit from it.)
Use these four guides conjunctively and not disjunctively. In other words, don’t use just (3) and ignore (1), (2) and (4). Use (1), (2), (3) and (4) together and I’m very convinced that they will guide you to a sure discovery of purpose as they have guided me so far.
May the Lord flood your heart with light in this season in Jesus mighty name. I speak against every confusion. You won’t be confused any longer. The Lord is reaching out to you with the Spirit of revelation as you call upon Him, that you may know even as you’re known. So shall it be. Amen.
Your brother,
Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye.
©Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye| hello@lovestraighttalks.com

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