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Sorry I was not here last week. I believe you all can understand. The bliss of the moon was so much I forgot all of you. ?? But well, I’m able to catch my breath somewhat now and I thought to gist you a little about the whole moon experience.

Weeks leading to the wedding, each time I visited the gents, I would look at my Joystick and say to it, “Don’t worry, in a very short while, the long fast will be over. All your life, all you’ve ever done is pass out urine. But that’s not your destiny. I’m persuaded of better things concerning you.?? You’ve never experienced being buried inside the cloud of glory. You’ve never known the warmth of glory. But in few short days, all that will be bygone. You self, you’ve tried. I congratulate you in advance.”

At a point while we were kneeling in front of those Priests blessing us inside that church, I will not lie ??, my mind suddenly wandered away to the night. “So you mean tonight, I will unwrap everything that I have only seen in a shadow. I can’t wait o.” Lost in thought, I suddenly realised we were still before the altar. “Amen and Amen.” I hope no one noticed that my Amen was out of order. “Please can we be done already?” ??

Iyebiye in turn had been taunting me that if I really wanted to prove my self control, I will not touch her for 3 weeks after the wedding. “I am not interested in such Spiritual Pride.? If I didn’t touch you for 3 years, six months and 21 days of courtship and for two months after our court wedding, what other self control is there to prove?”

So as we entered the hotel room after all of the day’s activity, the first thing on the agenda was, “THE UNVEILING.” The husband shall unveil his wife while the wife shall unveil her husband.

I had played this scene in my head for years. Finally, here we are. Me that I thought I was tired, all tiredness immediately disappeared.

After asking my best man to help fix our car that developed a fault, I was ready. That’s how Madam said she was hungry and wanted to eat first. “What kind of hunger is that? Is this the time to be hungry? Me I’m not hungry o (me that I’ve quickly eaten immediately we got there ?) I have food to eat that you know not of. My food is to do the will of he that sent me and to finish his work.” As she ate, I was pacing back and forth the whole room full of the Holy Ghost and power ready for action. ??

When I finally unveiled my bride, I was like, “Blood of God, this is cataclysmically mesmerising!! Save my soul Lord.” ??

Let’s hear from Madam Iyebiye. So how was it like unveiling your groom?

“It was a very epic moment when I valiantly dressed down my man to behold his glory. Left with the very last piece of clothing, I had to summon the remains of my might which was already mostly withered by awe and excitement. Finally when I did, I squished in uttermost wonder and amazement at the stark glory staring barefaced at me. Words only cannot tell. Very beautiful experience I must say.”

To all of you who follow LST, I like to beseech you by the mercies of God, never unveil your partner’s nakedness before marriage and never allow your nakedness to be unveiled. It’s an abomination unto the Lord. Beyond that, you lose a lot of anticipatory excitement that ought to keep your partner commited to ensuring they finally marry you if you go that direction. For a lot of people, after they’ve seen it all, their value for your person drops drastically and as a result, their commitment also.

Make it unavailable. Let them be tormented by the imagination so that they are the one hurrying you about marriage. That’s the way it should be. Receive grace to obey the truth henceforth in Jesus name.

The next day, our task was now to perform a miracle service. To make a way where there was no way. Courtesy of Dr. Caleb, we had been armed with every instrument that will ensure a painless driling. It wasn’t a mean job. The drilling began. At last, we successfully bore a hole – like borehole – you get. ?? How a Lawyer turned to a driller!!! ?

“But where is the blood. I want to see the blood o.” That’s Madam Iyebiye talking.

(Dr. Caleb had given us an anesthetic lubricant that completely numbed the area so that when the piercing was done, it was completely unnoticed and painless leaving her to wonder if anything had truly happened. So when I claimed there was already a piercing, the question was, where is the blood?)

Now personally, I know that medically there mustn’t always be blood flow when the hymen is penetrated. So I wasn’t bent on seeing any blood.

But well, we finally saw the blood. “See the blood, see the blood,” she exclaimed. “Waoh, let me see it. Haaaaaaw. Congratulations dear.”

“Do you mean you want to throw that tissue containing the blood away? Let’s keep it and maybe glaze it and hang it in our room as a memorial… Madam where-is-the blood.” ? I was actually taunting her.

“Leave me joor,” she replied.

So this last week, we both gave our virginity to each other in the most beautiful way.

A man can keep his virginity too. And that’s our charge to all men out there. The standard of sexual purity in the word of God is not just for the ladies. Maybe it’s for men first. If we have more men who live by this standard, we will have more sexually pure relationships even if the female partners don’t totally believe in the same since the men are mostly more influential in relationships. I think the reverse is more difficult- a situation where a woman who believes in sexual purity is in a relationship with a man who doesn’t. Leading a sexually pure relationship will be more difficult in such a situation.

And we have told you that God doesn’t just celebrate penetrative abstinence, He wants complete purity of all our members. He doesn’t want us smooching and touching and heavily petting and kissing while we claim we’re maintaining sexual purity.

More than three years ago, in the first six months of our relationship, myself and Iyebiye shared a kiss. We didn’t touch (we never touched or smooched all through.) We just kissed. But even that, we judged it wrong and unacceptable and we made a decision that we weren’t going to share a second kiss until we were legally married. That decision was tested all through the remaining 3 years of courtship but His grace saw us through. We eventually shared our second kiss ever after we were married. It gave us great joy when we did, that God helped us to keep our vow. (We look forward to seeing you do better than we did in this regard).

But I’ve shared that to encourage those who are already involved in one thing or the other. You can stop it through the grace that Jesus ministers and begin a clean record as from today. If you are no longer a virgin physically, you can pursue a secondary virginity as a male or a female. Your partner will still adore you for that and the Lord will be very proud most importantly.

No addiction is more powerful than the finished work of Christ. Freedom from sin and its power is the first new creation reality. Until you’ve enjoyed your own portion of this freedom, Jesus’s death has not accomplished its primary mission in your life. Take time to meditate, confess and pray with the following scriptural passages if you want to truly walk into this freedom. Mathew 1:21, Romans 6:1-7, Romans 6:14, Galatians 5:24, Titus 2:11-14.

If you want some more voluminous guide on how to appropriate the finished work of Christ for freedom from Sin, pick up and carefully devour, “The Normal Christian Life” by Watchman Nee and “Becoming Like Jesus” by Gbile Akanni for a start. Talk to me if you have difficulties getting the books or e-books. These are books anyone who is serious about a glorious eternity in heaven should read like a textbook and urgently too.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I’m on my way back to the moon. And I’m happy to inform you that abstinence is no longer a message for me.?? You deal with it! ? The message for me is in Proverbs 5:15-19 especially that Vs.19:

“…let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.”

The thing has been over- satisfactory already. Let me return for some fresh doses. ??

Next week, we’ll start talking about how to make the right choice of a life-partner. So many of you have been asking us to talk about this. Finally, we will and it promises to be explosive. See you then.

Your brethren,
Peniela and Iyebiye Akintujoye. ??

©Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye| hello@lovestraighttalks.com


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