My dear Priscilla, you’ve really gone through so much sorrow in twenty nine short years, eleven out of which were largely wasted. But I do not condemn you. My singular mission for responding to your mail is to see how we can redeem the rest of your life from...
Dear Priscilla, let me tell you point blank, your nakedness is highly inflammable. Have you ever come across those petrol tankers with that inscription? They are simply telling you, “don’t mess with this tanker, it can set everywhere on fire.” In the...
The big question we are asking today is whether what you believe is God’s purpose for your life is actually from God. What is the test of God’s purpose? Is God behind every project going on on the face of the earth? Here is the answer to the puzzle. The...
My biological father (and first spiritual father) will call me aside at every opportunity and say to me, “thus and thus was the kind of son we asked for from the Lord when we were ‘sleeping your sleep’. At the age of five when you rushed to my room...
How was I born a talkative? Since I was a very little child, I have been talking for Africa!!! ?? I was told how I would speak very boldly even to elders about certain (sometimes very weird) observations I was making to the surprise of so many people because I was a...
Your holy dissatisfaction is that problem; that group of people in some kind of injustice or bondage; that social issue; that whenever you come in contact with it, there is a special anger inside of you against that problem; a special compassion for that group of...
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