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The big question we are asking today is whether what you believe is God’s purpose for your life is actually from God. What is the test of God’s purpose? Is God behind every project going on on the face of the earth? Here is the answer to the puzzle.
The singular project that God is running on the face of the earth is to rid the earth of every rebellion and reestablish the Kingdom of God over this rebellious part of God’s realm. (1 Cor 15:24-28).
The rebellion has lasted over six thousand years now since the fall of Adam. Lucifer instigated it and took over the rulership of the earth from Adam, God’s representative. (Luke 4:5&6).
Since then, he has ensured that the people of the earth and their governments and kingdoms are against the Lord, His laws and principles. (Psalm 2).
Lucifer must be overthrown with all his lieutenants (which unfortunately includes human beings who stand against God and His principles by their lives – for willful sinfulness is a rebellion against God’s laws and principles.) They’ve been sentenced to everlasting chains already. We are only waiting for God’s timetable for the execution of the sentence. (Rev. 20:10-15).
This is why we find in scriptures the declaration in Revelation 11:15 how that all the kingdoms of this world at the close of this age will become fully the Kingdom of God and His Christ and Jesus shall reign over them forever and ever.  And so therefore, any purpose received by a man that contributes directly to this project of recovery of the kingdoms of this world back to Christ is a purpose from God.
Secondly, you will note that while the recovery process is ongoing, human beings are being born and are dying and their souls are eternal. Therefore it is essential that their souls are saved so that when the restitution of all things is completed and the eternal kingdom  of God is released,  those souls  will be able to reign with their maker forever and ever. Achieving this goal is the reason for the great commission which states: “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”
Therefore two things represent the purpose of the church throughout  this age: the recovery  of the kingdoms of this world back to God and the Salvation of every soul that lives while  the recovery process lasts. This is the summary of all that God is doing on the earth through His Church and as long as every individual  Christian is a subset of the Church, his own purpose must be a subset of the overall purpose of the church. For there is just one church to which every believer belongs and because God is a skillful businessman, He won’t assign to any of His children a task that is not within the scope of His overall purpose.
It then suffices to say that any purpose that does not directly or indirectly advance the agenda of God already described above cannot be from the Lord. In other words, your purpose must be a subset of the bigger program or agenda that God is occupied with on the surface of the earth.
There are four major ways by which a Christian can fulfil his own part of the purpose of the church.
1. Retail Evangelism: This is by witnessing Christ and making disciple of an individual Christian. Everyone of us ought to be involved in this as a life; in our communities, on the street and everywhere. Even as professionals in our places of work, we ought to be making disciples of our co-workers. God desires that  disciples should be multiplied among every professional group.
2. Wholesale Evangelism: It is wholesale evangelism to hold a crusade where Christ is preached. It is wholesale evangelism to be a media personality or practitioner and promote kingdom values to a large audience. Preaching Christ or promoting His principles and values to a large audience at anytime will be wholesale evangelism.
One day Ricardo Kaka the footballer, celebrating a winning goal at the finals of the UEFA Champions League, lifted up his jersey and on his underwear was written boldly, “I BELONG TO JESUS”.  Millions of people saw that at once. That is wholesale evangelism.
3. Policy Evangelism: These are those who influence laws and government policies to ensure that a conducive environment is preserved for the seamless execution of retail and wholesale evangelism. They also work towards how whole strata of society can be taken over by Kingdom Ambassadors and ideologies to the end a Christian culture may be produced among members of those strata.
Esther was a policy Evangelist for instance.
A decree had been made by the King to summarily exterminate all Israelites in over 127 provinces. At the time, all that annointed apostles and prophets and General Overseers could do was to pray. The prayers as good as they were on their own could not have changed the decree that had been made except there was a policy evangelist inside the government who had access into the very chambers of the King and could get the law abrogated by political means.
Policy evangelists ensure that war doesn’t break out. They ensure that unfavourable laws and policies do not see the light of the day because if there is war or unrest, or there are Antichrist laws in any section of society, the retail and wholesale dissemination of the gospel will be hampered from its root and the rule of God’s Kingdom completely expelled from that section of Society.
To fulfil the great commission and the recovery agenda of God; retail, wholesale and policy evangelists must work hand in hand. None can be independent of the other.
4. Helps and Support: Those who fulfil their part of the Church’s purpose  through help and support ministries, do so indirectly but nevertheless they play no small role in advancing the Kingdom work. Some by active financial support of those at the forefront, some by intercessory support or by some other forms of supports.
The fulfilment of your purpose will have expression usually through one of these four avenues.
So the question is, that which you believe is God’s purpose for you, does it align with the overall purpose of the Church on the face of the earth? Does it actively contribute directly or indirectly to the recovery of the earth or the actualisation of the great commission? If not, then it is doubtful if the Lord is behind it. You will do well to redirect yourself on time so you won’t spend your entire life labouring on what amounts to nothing in the purpose of God.
Your brother,
Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye.
©Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye| hello@lovestraighttalks.com

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