Everyone today talks about having peace as the basis of confirming God’s approval of a relationship. When I interrogate many about how they came about the peace, I find a big knowledge gap as to how a peace that’s a reliable confirmation of God’s leading ought to come about.
Many never really gave themselves to any deliberate or protracted praying on the issue. They just had peace and that was it. Please note that such peace that is not borne out of a time of praying and seeking the face of God concertedly and patiently often turn out to be mere products of the will and emotions – a product of what is seen, and you know, the things that are seen are temporal.
As humans, we often need to be in a state of praying to travel from the physical realm where we’re influenced by what we see, to the spiritual where we can see the invisible and pick accurately what God is saying.
The peace that is a signal from God for a go ahead into a relationship therefore must be that which is picked up at the crescendo of praying – a point when it could be said in a sense that your physical senses have been suspended and your Spirit is fused in fellowship with the Spirit of God. Whatever your spirit picks up at that point is reliable but never before that point.
The scriptural reference for this mode of leading is Philippians 4:6 and as you can see from the verse, PEACE doesn’t come before praying. It is only after you’re done praying, that the peace of God can guard your hearts and minds.
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. AND the PEACE of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 KJV
If your own peace therefore precedes a good time of praying (not a single time of prayer by the way but a reasonable number of times), it is a dangerous peace, a sensual peace – one that is not likely from the Lord.
If you have the ability to pray in other tongues, you’re more blessed in this regard. Put the issue of the guy (or lady) in your mind, then go to the place of prayer and pray for long in other tongues on the issue, checking for the signal you get in your Spirit. When you’ve prayed in other tongues for like an hour without distractions, your spirit should have travelled far enough into the Spirit realm to pick an accurate signal from God – peace or turbulence; joy or heaviness. If it’s turbulence or heaviness, I’m afraid the sail is not safe.
But God can equally lead you through other means. Don’t limit yourself. Take this opportunity to know how He speaks through other means. It will deepen your experience of God.
I started wondering recently why our generation seems to be fixated on “peace” as if that’s the only way God leads or confirms his word. Could this be due to our laziness to seek Him in prayers and fastings for fairly long periods if need be? Has God’s audible voice ceased? Has His portal of visions and revelations ceased? What about the Rhema of the written word? What has blocked our ears from His still small voice also?
My generation needs to find God as (and even better than) the days of old. They heard God in prose even on very little issues. Why are our ears totally blocked to His voice today that we can’t hear Him even in poetry?
Your brother,
Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye