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When God first introduced Eve to Adam and told them to be fruitful and multiply, Adam probably thought he had a choice on the matter. Only that immediately God left for His own residence above, Adam noticed a magnetic pull towards her body. Just by looking at her, there was a chemical reaction all over his system. He just felt like holding her tight. Every part of her was beautiful, invitingly succulent!

In response to this pull to which he could not even as much as think to say no, he moved close to her – by now his heart was beating very fast, his thoughts muddled, the whole world was lost to him at the moment, all that mattered was the gratification of this imprisoning pull – a taste of this alluring flesh with zest. As he did, without being told, the brain commanded huge blood flow all over his system and for the first time, he saw his “joystick” that had always bowed in gloomy moodiness, rise with excitement and strength.

She experienced same. There was a thickening and erection of all things. The feeling as he disembarked from inside her at his point of release is unrivaled by any other form of pleasure known to man. He began to want it every day. He didn’t know that obedience to the fruitfulness code will be this sugarcoated. She too. She couldn’t get her mind off that unprecedented orgasmic vigorous shake that sent waves of pleasure into every nook and cranny of her frame all at once.

From this point, the world would not remain the same again. Every aspect of human life came under the firm grip of this rabid sensuality. What was meant to be an icing on a cake became the cake. As early as Genesis 6, humanity had become consumed by the passion and lust for this “sugar” God regretted he made man altogether. He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, two nations, by fire and brimstone in one day on account of this.

Not much has changed to date. The grip continues. The god of sex continues to enslave the whole of humanity. Nothing bears record to this more than the fact that in every portion of the bible where God lists out soul damning sins carrying the death penalty, sexual sins are always first mentioned. They are first among equal, the strongest anyone of us is easily susceptible to fall to. Today, there is a whole industry whose only commodity is sex and it is worth globally an estimated $97 billion!

But it isn’t clear if Adam was created as a baby or full grown. It’s also not clear for how long Adam was a full grown man before he married Eve. Maybe Adam didn’t share in the challenges of the present generation. Most of us were already sexually developed as early as age eleven and had the same motions in Adam warring inside of us but by some divine Criminal Code provisions outlawing sexual relationship until marriage coupled with the economic realities of our time, at thirty, most of us are still not married and haven’t experienced the pleasure of sex (or are not expected to have or continue to experience the pleasure)- that’s 19 years of abstinence. Tough! But that’s the position.

Our social-cultural experience cannot change the word of God which is already settled and is not subject to amendment. One thing we are sure of however is that God doesn’t demand what He hasn’t first given us capacity to do. (See 1 Corinthians 10:13).

“No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].
1 Corinthians 10:13 AMP

To be clear, the synchrony of your body with your partner before you are married is prohibited. Much as I identify with the urgency with which that rabid impulse for sex comes, I’m sorry to note that indulging that impulse is prohibited until you’re married except you will write your own Bible. Sex here includes all the friendly games before the real match. In clear terms, Paul told us, “If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
1 Corinthians 3:17 KJV

He continued his epistle to the Corinthians and as if to answer the question whether grace was a license to sin, he stated, alluding to the practices of the Israelites in their exodus to Canaan:

“We must not indulge in [nor tolerate] sexual immorality, as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand [suddenly] fell [dead] in a single day!”
1 Corinthians 10:8 AMP.

By the way, it wasn’t Corona Virus that killed them, it was the Lord. The same God who had earlier saved them from Egypt by His mighty hands. (See Jude vs 5-7 in all translations. You may read the whole chapter – Jude has just one chapter- to get the full context).

At courtship level, it is sufficient as synchrony of your body that you’re thoroughly sexually attracted to your partner. If you’re not, marrying is not recommended. Physical and sexual attraction matters for the physical side of marriage which is as important as the spiritual.

Then it’s important to consciously from now (especially for those already in courtship to be married soon) as much as you can handle (if you can’t until you’re married, stay away – to thyself be true) study materials that teach the modus operandi of being a Master Pleasure Administrator (MPA). I can recommend. I’ve been on this course since I was in SS1. I had to take a leave of absence at a point though considering how far from marriage I was at that time. I’ve however resumed lectures as the day draws near. Join us.

You can have open but controlled discussions with your partner also as to what you’re looking forward to as far your bodily union is concerned. Plan together ahead to raise a sexual altar on which fire will burn night and day. It must never go out!

Summary: You must pursue the synchrony of your spirits and souls beginning from your courtship but the synchrony of your bodies can only start after you’re married. If you’ve started it prematurely, please retrace your steps. You’re changing a divine order and it has terrible consequences. We will share some of them as from next week.

I hope this blessed you? I know you enjoyed it because you like sex subjects. You will say you don’t. Tell me another lie.

Your brother,

©Peniela Eniayo, Akintujoye| hello@lovestraighttalks.com


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